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Image by Jr Korpa

Our Mission


PsychedelicsEUROPE supports establishment of the EU-wide regulatory framework that promotes medicinal use of psychedelic substances to the benefit of patients, stimulate research, harmonizes rules on the market and secures safe and predictable environment for companies and entrepreneurs in Europe. 


  • Recognition of mental health as a key priority of the European Commission in health care sector.


  • Preparation of the EU’s Strategy on Mental Health that would cover progressive approaches, including use of psychedelics in treatment.


  • Integration of medicinal use of psychedelics to the agenda of major initiatives such as the EU’s Year of Mental Health.


  • Sufficient financial allocation for psychedelic research in the EU through existing platforms (Horizon Europe) as well as new R&D programs and funding tools.


  • Coordinated EU position on psychedelics at international platforms such as the United Nations.


  • Continuous awareness rising amongst key stakeholders at international, EU and national level as well as general public.


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